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 Dundee Day 2023 (May 14th)

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Nigel C Dundee Korfball Club is pleased to invite you to its 10th summer tournament, which will be held on Sunday May 14th on the astroturf pitches at Dundee International Sports Centre (DISC, DD4 7AA - the same venue as last year), in sunny Scotland. Games will probably be scheduled from around 10.30 am to 4.30 pm.

As usual, this tournament will be held the day after the magnificent BEACH TOURNAMENT run by St Andrews University on Saturday, May 13th. As Dundee and St. Andrews are only 13 miles apart, we hope that this will give many travelling teams a perfect opportunity to make an action-packed weekend of it. Please contact Saints directly to enter their competition though - further details are on facebook or from korfball@st-andrews.ac.uk

DD10 Details: Dundee Day 10 will be a traditional, single-day outdoor event with separate sections for adults (teams of 8 players), and juniors. As usual, we will do all that we can to make it fun and friendly, with food & drink available to buy. Event programming will be kept up to date in or own Facebook event and by email.

Costs: Adults £40 for "early bird" teams (payment deadline April 16th), £50 per team thereafter. Entries close April 30th.
Part-teams and individual player entries? Yes, we’ll be happy to accept these and make up a few scratch teams – just get in touch and let us know (£5 per player).
Funds can be transferred to DUNDEE KORFBALL CLUB’s RBS bank account number 10657158, sort-code 83-50-00. Please use “DD10” + your team name as reference.

Any questions? Just ask! We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at DD10.

Paul & the DKC organising committee: korfballdundee@gmail.com

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